
Venturing Into New Fundraising Sectors

#Nonprofit leaders: Are you worried about your current #funding picture? It may be counterintuitive, but venturing out into a new funding sector, maybe just the right move…

Diversification is the key to thriving during periods of uncertainty.
Here are three ways to begin to add new funding sectors

1. Move to an adjacent market. ie: use your strength in foundation funding, to expand to corporate foundations.

2. Pursue joint funding opportunities with partners who are strong in sectors that you are not.

I worked with a nonprofit education organization that did not have a track record in federal grants. By partnering with a significant R& D organization that had millions in federal funding, we were able to elevate our reputation.

3. Bring in external fundraising support with expertise in other sectors to help make connections and increase your capacity.

I worked with a nonprofit healthcare provider who had a small individual donor base, to build an annual appeal system, and begin a major gifts program.
Now you: How are you diversifying your revenue opportunities?

To raise more money
Download your free guide “Power-Up New Foundation Relationships”
Or contact for a 15-minute discovery call.

Committing to Fundraising as a Practice

“Our commitment to the process is the only alternative to the lottery mindset of hoping for the good luck of getting picked by the universe”. #SethGodin, #ThePractice.

#Fundraising is a practice, a process, a set of daily habits and efforts, repeated over time, regardless of the outcome.

Fundraising requires persistence and effort in the face of constant rejections.

So how do we sustain that level of effort, knowing that we will be rejected 4 out of the five times we ask?

We commit to the practice of fundraising.

A Practice builds in both the actions and the persistence mindset.

Godin says “Good processes, repeated over time, lead to good outcomes, more often than lazy processes do. Focus on short-term outcomes forces us to make choices that are banal, short-term, or selfish. It takes our focus away from the journey and encourages us to give up too early.´

Approaching fundraising as a practice means that you apply your skills and actions, daily and regularly in order to improve. Without a practice, you will not get sustainable funding outcomes.

Now you: Do you have a daily work practice?

To create a #fundraising practice,

Download Power Up New Foundation Relationships
Book your discovery call.

Fundrasing as a Practice-- Simply Begin

The only choice that we have is to begin. And the only place to begin is where we are. Simply begin” #SethGodin, #ThePractice.

You can begin your #fundraising effort, from just where you are. Just begin. If you have a few individual donors, extend your practice to create a systematic #majorgifts program. The way you do this is by establishing the practices of the major gifts program.

A practice is built by having daily habits and taking action, consistently over a period of time. “Action creates habits, and habits are part of a practice, and a practice is the single best way to get to where you seek to go. (Godin)
You create a major gifts program, by doing the prospecting, cultivating, communicating, soliciting, and stewarding—long before you have the major gift as an outcome.

Start where you are. The commitment is completely under your control, even when the end results cant be.

Now You: What action are you committing to today that will begin your practice?
#fundraising #nonprofit #leadership