
Comprehensive Innovation Solutions

Design for Innovation Program is a comprehensive consultation and co-design program to enhance your organization’s capacity for Innovation.  The program leverages the leading thinking on how successful nonprofit innovation organizations work and how they are structured. We help you drive your efforts to generate innovation funding and create opportunities in your environment.

1.       Develop catalytic leadership

2.       Create diverse multidisciplinary teams

3.       Establish thought leadership and field-building agenda

4.       Collaborate with other organizations to create leverage

5.       Secure innovation funding and resources

6.       Launch a lean/agile design process

7.       Foster a learning culture

Selected Solutions

You can also engage us in any part of your innovation work and fundraising work through our strategy, design, or implementation solutions.

Strategy Solutions

  • Develop a Business/Mission Model Canvas for impact and financial growth.

  • Create a fundraising strategy that supports organizational growth and sustainability

  • Generate a roadmap of strategic partnerships aligned to mission impact.

  • Customized consulting and support

Design Solutions

  • Design an operational plan with structures for innovation and collaboration

  • Develop Board and leadership capacity for innovation and growth

  • Design capacity-building initiatives

  • Conduct landscape scans to identify opportunities and position for success

  • Identify and cultivate partnerships

  • Customized consultation, support

Funding Solutions

  • Create specific funding plans (short, medium, long term)

  • Develop and qualify earned revenue strategies

  • Develop case for support and other fundraising collateral

  • Customized consultation, support

Implementation Solutions

  • Interim Development Director to advance funding efforts

  • Establish federal, state or foundation relations efforts

  • Grant writing, grant seeking