Venturing Into New Fundraising Sectors

#Nonprofit leaders: Are you worried about your current #funding picture? It may be counterintuitive, but venturing out into a new funding sector, maybe just the right move…

Diversification is the key to thriving during periods of uncertainty.
Here are three ways to begin to add new funding sectors

1. Move to an adjacent market. ie: use your strength in foundation funding, to expand to corporate foundations.

2. Pursue joint funding opportunities with partners who are strong in sectors that you are not.

I worked with a nonprofit education organization that did not have a track record in federal grants. By partnering with a significant R& D organization that had millions in federal funding, we were able to elevate our reputation.

3. Bring in external fundraising support with expertise in other sectors to help make connections and increase your capacity.

I worked with a nonprofit healthcare provider who had a small individual donor base, to build an annual appeal system, and begin a major gifts program.
Now you: How are you diversifying your revenue opportunities?

To raise more money
Download your free guide “Power-Up New Foundation Relationships”
Or contact for a 15-minute discovery call.