
Diversity as an Innovation Imperative

It is a moral imperative to advance #diversityequityinclusion, in our work. Diversity is also an #innovation imperative.

“Solvable problems are usually solved by surprising, non-trivial alternatives. …Instead, it is the unlikely approaches the odd combinations that come from diversity – that often win the day.” #SethGodin, #ThePractice
We must strive for #diversity in our #teams across all dimensions—race, ethnicity, background, gender, age, sexual identity and orientation, socio-economic, neurodiversity, and diversity of thought.
Empathy is the first step in #DesignThinking, that is to experience a challenge from the perspectives of someone else in order to design solutions with them that are deeply embedded in their own experience.
As Godin notes “It’s not helpful to only make things for yourself unless your are fortunate enough that what you want is precisely what your audience wants.
Having diverse teams creates the conditions for empathy. #Empathy is not only the mark of a generous person, it is also the root of creativity.

Now you: How have you harnessed diversity on your team?

The Value of a Mentor

I credit one key ingredient that was critical to my success throughout my fundraising career.

Having at least one long-term mentor has been a critical aspect of my fundraising and non-profit career growth. My mentor was an executive who was very senior in her career
While not a fundraiser herself, she was a strong non-profit leader, determined, mission-driven, and entrepreneurial. As a mentor, she challenged me while building my confidence, helped me to find my voice, supported me during difficult decisions, and collaborated with me in all aspects of the fundraising work. As a mentor, she was not only a champion but a constructive critique whose feedback helped me to rapidly refine my work. Having a great mentor motivated me to become a mentor to other early-career professionals.
What has your mentor provided and what did they mean to you? Let me know in the comments below.

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