The Equinox

Yesterday was the Equinox, the moment when there was equal parts darkness and light.

As in life, this moment of absolute equality is infrequent.
Can we hold challenges and opportunities at the same time, and in perfect balance?

Is there sadness when there is also joy?

Most of the time, we encounter both darkness and light, but not in equal measure.

The scales tip in one direction or the other.

We often talk about work/life balance.
Selfcare while caring for others.
Growing your children, while you also grow your own capabilities.
Harvesting with abundance and then having the plants die and become dormant.
Perhaps the idea of absolute equalness between darkness and light is a transitory state for a reason.

Now You: Do you take note when the forces in your life are in balance?
#abundancemindset #balance #worklifebalance #success #selfcare #creativity #equinox