Value Proposition Design

Nonprofit Leaders: What makes a good value proposition for your organization?

According to, there are ten characteristics of good value proposition design, which can be applied to both for-profits and not-for-profit enterprises.

Your value proposition …

1. Is embedded in a great business model.
2. Focuses on the jobs, pains, and gains that matter most to your beneficiaries or customers.
3. Focus on unsatisfied jobs, unresolved pains, and unrealized gains.
4. Target a few things but do so extremely well.
5. Go beyond functional jobs and address emotional and social jobs.
6. Align with how your beneficiaries measure success.
7. Focus on pains that a lot of people have or jobs that some will pay lots of money for.
8. Differentiate from the competition in areas your beneficiaries care about.
9. Outperform competition substantially on at least one dimension.
10. Is difficult to copy.

Now you: Which of these items do you do well at and which one do you need to address next?

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