The 10X Rule for Nonprofits

How can nonprofits apply the 10X goals principle to their work?

As we enter the planning season for 2022, we need to think less about preserving our current projects and organizations, and more about the larger societal challenge we are seeking to impact.

Big goals drive innovation, and massive action. Small goals take a similar amount of work as larger goals. Small goals result in average outcomes.
Competition is fierce for the average.
To find new terrain you need to make your goal ten times bigger, a larger aspiration that really drives innovation in your field. (Grant Cardone, The Ten X Rule).

Take your current organizational goal and multiply it by tenfold. According to Dr. Benjamin Hardy, whatever you go after expands.
Anything you work for is hard, so you might as well go for the big goal. Even if you fail, your failure will be well beyond most organization’s successes.

Don’t place limits on what your organization is capable of, others will do that for you.

Hold the vision of your future organization. Be open to holding your goals firm but your means flexible. Learn along the way, take the path least traveled.

Now you: Are you up for the challenge of 10Xing your goal?

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