Go-Giver Movement

Cultivating Professional Generosity

1w • Edited • 1 week ago

I try to approach my professional life with generosity. What I know intuitively has been reinforced by the #GoGiver movement.

Here is how I interpret professional generosity.

🌟Generosity is possible when I have an abundance mindset. I do not have to hoard my relationships, my resources, or my knowledge.

🌟When I give, I add value to others. This, in turn, creates personal value.

🌟I work hard to bring my authentic self into my professional and personal relationships.

🌟My influence is determined by how abundantly I put the interests of others first.

🌟What I ultimately get back is dependent on giving more value than I receive.

🌟Generosity is reciprocal. If I want others to accept my giving, I must also be open to receiving.

Now You: How do you express your professional generosity?
#leadership #success #abundancemindset