
Abundance Mindset and Fundraising Leadership

How do you bring an #abundancemindset into your #fundraising leadership?

practicing gratitude;
that there are plenty of resources available;
that you and your funders are peers with overlapping missions;
that your competitors are really potential partners;
that your team are collaborators to create a larger impact;
that you are enough; with abundant energy, and talent.
Stay open to learning from challenges, and open to what is possible.

Now you: How do you bring an abundance mindset to your leadership?

To raise more money using an abundance mindset, contact me at lpoller@agilefundraisingstrategy.com for

1. Resources including New Foundation Relationship Accelerator guide.
2. 15-minute discovery call

#leadership #leadershipdevelopment #fundraising #gratitude #abundancemindset #nonprofitleadership

Don't Quit Your Practice, Remember How Far You Have Come

Nonprofit leaders: How do you continue your practice when you are not getting the outcomes you want?

“When our commitment is wavering, the best way to stay on track is to consider the progress we’ve already made. As we recognize what we’ve invested and attained, it seems like a waste to give up, and our confidence and commitment surge.” #adamgrant, #Originals

Sometimes we don’t get the outward signals to know that we are progressing. But looking at how far we have come reinforces our work from an internal perspective.

If we look at the “gain” rather than the “gap” we shift our #mindset.

Now you: Have you ever decided not to give up when you considered how far you have come?
#success #nonprofit #successstrategies #leadership #growth, #mindset

Cultivating Professional Generosity

1w • Edited • 1 week ago

I try to approach my professional life with generosity. What I know intuitively has been reinforced by the #GoGiver movement.

Here is how I interpret professional generosity.

🌟Generosity is possible when I have an abundance mindset. I do not have to hoard my relationships, my resources, or my knowledge.

🌟When I give, I add value to others. This, in turn, creates personal value.

🌟I work hard to bring my authentic self into my professional and personal relationships.

🌟My influence is determined by how abundantly I put the interests of others first.

🌟What I ultimately get back is dependent on giving more value than I receive.

🌟Generosity is reciprocal. If I want others to accept my giving, I must also be open to receiving.

Now You: How do you express your professional generosity?
#leadership #success #abundancemindset

Fundraising as a Practice -It’s not working yet.

It’s not working yet. That’s the only reassurance you truly need.” (Seth Godin)

This is true for anything creative, anything difficult, any change effort.
I find #SethGodin’s focus on the practice, comforting and true for nonprofit leadership and fundraising—both are difficult, important and a process with no guaranteed outcome.

Godin says “There’s a practice. The practice is proven, and you’ve embraced it. Now, all that’s needed is more. More time, more cycles, more bravery, more process. More of you. Much more of you. More idiosyncrasy, more genre, more seeing, more generosity more learning. It's just not working yet…”

Understanding our work in nonprofits as a practice that involves cycles of implementation and learning, can really fuel our forward motion. Embracing the “not yet” means that it continues to be a work in process, one that we commit to every day to get to the yes.
Now you: Do you embrace your “not yet”?
#fundraising #nonprofits #nonprofitleadership #leadership #success #change #sethgodin

Moving from fear to fearless

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about fear and fearlessness in my life. Are they really opposites? Is being fearless, about the absence of fear?
On the contrary. In a November TED Interview, Gloria Steinem talked about developing her fearlessness by engaging with things she feared, like public speaking. “I become a writer so I would not have to speak”. So she asked a friend, to speak with her and together they spoke publicly, compelled by their commitment to the women’s movement.
Maybe some keys to moving from fear to fearlessness are doing it with the support of others and having a compelling enough purpose that you have no choice but to move forward despite your fears. There have been moments in my life where I stood on the precipice of something great and important but hesitated. At that moment, asking for support and joining others made the leap more possible.
What helps you move from fear to fearlessness?