
We live in a world that encourages—no, demands—that we measure ourselves against a horde of averages and supplies us with no end of justification for doing so. Todd Rose, The End of Average.

As I am the parent of a teen, I think about what this concept of the average (Todd Rose) means for young people, especially in schooling.

They are systematically moved through our educational system, measured, sorted, and put on a path in relation to the average.

What does this mean for a young person’s sense of belonging? Do they have to confine themselves to the average paradigm, the dominant culture?

Does this mean that our educational system numbs individual gifts, strengths, creativity and original thinking?

This may be why there is so much attention paid to the negative impact of social media on young people’s self-concept, particularly teenage girls.

It may not be the content but rather the implication that they should measure themselves against a  mythical standard that is amplified in what we consume.

How then do our young people gain confidence in their own individuality and uniqueness?

If we are to ensure that teens thrive, we have to take a hard look at the way our systems are designed against the average.

Now You: Have you noticed this yardstick against average in schooling?