Impact Players Thrive in Ambiguity

It is in the ambiguity and messiness that white space is created to add value….
Is that a mindset or a skillset?

Liz Wiseman, author of the Impact Players says that impact players use “unclear direction and changing priorities are chances to add value. “
Impact players have a mindset that is markedly different from the rock solid contributors.

“They are energized by the messy problems that would enervate or foil others. Lack of clarity doesn’t paralyze them; it provokes them.”

But Impact players also have a skill set to use ambiguity and are driven by the chance to contribute to solving a difficult problem. They step up when they see that something needs to be done to advance toward a solution.
They step into a leadership vacuum, without ego, without needing either clarity or authority of role.

Liz Wiseman notes that Impact Players, “don’t see problems as distractions from their job; rather, they are the job—not just their job, but everyone’s job”.

Impact Players work hard to mobilize others, to make the load lighter, and to get it over the finish line.
They also know when to step back, when the job is done or to make room for others to step up.

Now You: Do you step up in the face of a challenge?

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