Impact Players Make Work Lighter

We all know that “many hands make light work”, but did you know that Impact Players in your organization, make work light for others?

Liz Wiseman in her book Impact Players defines the characteristics of a person(s) within an organization that has an outsized impact. These individuals ask how can I bring my passion and talents to bear on the key thing that is important to the organization, something that will make a true impact on the problem we are trying to solve.
One of the five characteristics of an Impact Player is that they make work light.
“Impact players make the work feel lighter for everyone, through humor and appreciation of others, and care for their wellbeing. People want to work with them.”
They make others feel that their work has been lightened—not by assuming their work or picking up the slack. Rather they bring a lightness to the work we all share. They have no drama, no politics, no bureaucracy. They are driven by being useful to the work, stepping up when needed, but also stepping back. They get things done and over the finish line, they care about what matters to the organization.

Now You: Is there one thing you did this week to make the work lighter?

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