Advisory board

Critical Friends

Today is the first Advisory meeting of our #socialimpact startup. It is very important to me to have “critical friends.”

We have drawn our #advisors from a range of sectors that we touch, with varied expertise in #venturecapital, #postsecondaryeducation, #workforcedevelopment, #neurodiversity, and #instructionaldesign.

It is my hope that they will offer a constructive critique on our first product, particularly...

🔹The product-market fit --whether our product really meets the pain point for consumers that we intended. What would elevate the product so that it is an essential one for the consumer?

🔹Design—Is the product intuitive, appealing, appropriate for our target audience, and accessible for individuals with disabilities? How can we make the design better in the next version?

🔹Business Model— are our proposed markets within higher education and workforce training compelling? Is our “go-to-market strategy” effective?

🔹Partnerships—Who else should we be working with to amplify our impact?

🔹Funding—who might be a good prospect for #philanthropic and other forms of #startupcapital?

These are just a few of the ways to use #AdvisoryBoards as “critical friends” and also great ambassadors for your work.

Now You: Have you considered using an Advisory Board?