Why use agile sprints for better fundraising outcomes?
A sprint is a short, time-boxed period when a team works to complete a set amount of work
Sprint methodologies have several key advantages…
1. Collaborative teams that include fundraising expertise organize themselves around a shared goal and engage in planning and working together.
2. Sprints break down large complex fundraising efforts into bite-size work with an outcome that is visible to the team and validated externally.
3. Fundraising can be never-ending and overwhelming, especially in a small shop context. Sprint planning enables the team to determine what is really important and commit to that work. It gives the team an opportunity to prune the workload to what is essential.
4. Sprints encourage teams to evaluate their efforts as part of continuous learning. Teams make adjustments and reframe their work to address challenges and opportunities. This agility leads to better outcomes.
Now You: How does your sprint fit into your marathon?
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