Women Philanthropists Changing the Philanthropic Landscape

As more women create wealth, more are using their power to change the face of philanthropy.

According to Forbes Magazine, women’s global wealth will hit $81 trillion by 2023. There are now 328 women billionaires, up 36% from a year ago.

While these numbers are impressive, they are not nearly as interesting as what women are doing with their new philanthropic power.

According to an article by Hency Thacker, published January 31st. The following patterns have emerged for women in philanthropy:

1. Do it yourself approach: Women philanthropists are creating their own NGOs for grantmaking rather than relying on existing intermediary organizations. McKenzie Scott, and now Melinda French Gates are high-profile examples of this phenomenon.
2. Support the leadership of organizations, rather than funding projects. Women philanthropists often focus on building the capacity of leaders, to oversee larger portfolios of action.
3. Forming Giving Circles, that amplify the impact of their investments with pooled resources.
4. Increased volunteering with a get into the field directly approach.
5. Increased impact investing whereby women philanthropists are not only providing direct support to organizations but also improving the overall investment landscape.
6. Improving support for gender equity causes filling a much-needed gap in traditional philanthropy.

Now You: Who are the women philanthropists you most admire?

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