Universal Design

#NonprofitLeaders: A powerful paradigm for guiding our work is adopting a #UniversalDesign mindset which embodies an #equity lens.

A universal design mindset has some core ideas—

There is no mythical “average” user that we are creating our programs for.
Individual differences matter, there is no one size fits all.

Responding to individual differences is a responsibility.

We have a #design challenge, not an issue of adapting afterward.

Our programs, products, and organizations must be flexible and adaptable so that they can be configured to meet individual variability.

#Design is at the heart of what we do, and we design “with” not for.
The organization accepts the responsibility and obligation to consider all its users.

Based on modern neuroscience, cognitive and behavioral science, and learning sciences, we now understand that people vary along a continuum in some known ways that inform how we design..

🔆Representation--How they understand and perceive information,
🔆Expression--How express what they know, and use strategies
🔆Engagement: How they are engaged, motivated, respond to stress
The individual can aspire to be an #ExpertLearner, know themselves and become facile at designing their environment to suit their needs using the built in flexibility.

Universal design means that we consider everyone in our design as a matter of #equity, #inclusion, #accessibility, and effectiveness.
Now You: Have you considered human variability in designing your work?

🔆For support in integrating a universal design mindset in your nonprofit’s work, contact me at lpoller@agilefundraisingstrategy.com

#nonprofit #universaldesignforlearning #universaldesign #nonprofitleadership #organizationaldevelopment #design, #designthinking #fundraising #strategy