Learning Mindset

When you are launching a #fundraising program, the hardest part can be just starting. Here is one big tip to overcome this hurdle…

Adopt a learning mindset.

Begin with the end in mind, but focus on taking small iterative steps that help you learn along the way.

I am working with #educationnonprofit that spun out of a more established company. Because they are an early-stage organization, they do not yet have a fundraising effort. But they have demonstrated a willingness to get out and cultivate relationships with potential #funders and #sponsors.

What I most appreciate is their willingness to view these first forays as a learning experience.

We are approaching this as an #agilefundraising design effort that involves iterative cycles of developing, testing, getting feedback, and refining.

We are hoping not only to generate interest, but to also learn what resonates in our case for support, how to present the value proposition, and how to customize programs with the funder.

You can’t learn if you stay in the comfort of your offices, you must venture forth. Think of all that you will learn in the process.

Now You: Do you embrace learning in your external development work?

If you are interested in launching a #fundraising program, using an agile design process, contact me at lpoller@agilefundraisingstrategy.com for

1) Resources on Agile Fundraising
2) A 15-minute discovery call
#nonprofit #fundraising #leadership #learningculture