Stone Soup

Are you appreciating the contributions of your different team members?
Think of Stone Soup.

Many years ago, a man on a journey, landed in a village where he knew no one. He was very hungry, so he knocked on the first door for some food. Suspicious of strangers, the person turned him away. He walked further down the road, and knocked on the second door, and then the third, and so on...
After a long while, he had an idea.

He went back to the first house and asked to borrow a pot. Reluctantly, the person gave him the pot.

He then went to the center of town, lit a fire, and heated the pot. He took a stone and put it in the bottom with some water.

Soon a townsperson came and asked what he was cooking. Stone soup he said. The villager said I have a carrot to contribute. So the women went back to her house and brought the stranger a carrot.

Soon another villager came and smelled the soup and brought a potato, then another contributed an onion. Soon villagers were opening their doors and upon smelling the delicious soup were offering chicken, cabbage, and some rice.

The village was abuzz, tables were set in the center of the town square. The villagers gathered from near and far. Fresh bread was offered. The delicious soup was shared. People talked and laughed, kids ran about. Everyone ate heartily.

The stranger became a friend.

So too with our teams, we all have a little something to contribute which may be ordinary by itself but is extraordinary when combined with the gifts of others.

Now You: Have you ever made a stone soup out of the ingredients of your team?
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