The Antidote to Languishing

“Your antidote to burnout is not necessarily less work. It could be more meaning.” Adam Grant

Adam Grant has been talking and writing a lot these days on “languishing” which is a period when you are experiencing your life as neither good nor bad. Just “meh”,
so so, or
For many of us, the pandemic has made this feeling much worse, without the stimulation of the external world is compelling, or perhaps distracting.

Languishing is a state where creativity, hope, and passion are not accessible.

But his anecdote for burnout or languishing is not doing less or
focusing on self-care as many have suggested.

It is “Flow” the state of mind where you become fully immersed in an activity.
Coined by positive psychologist Mihaly Csikszemtmihalyi, in flow ego falls away as you become completely involved in and focused on what you are doing.
Grant suggests that this does not have to be something big or ambitious. It can be something like “learning to juggle” or creating a kitchen garden.

It can also be a more significant or momentous goal like eliminating food insecurity in your community.

What is important is creating momentum and immersion. To do this, Grant suggests that you focus on mastery, mindfulness, and something that matters to you.

You counter the burnout with purpose, the languishing with effort, the indifference with mindfulness.

Now You: Have you ever done something where you felt the state of “flow”

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