Creating Value for Your Corporate Sponsors

Nonprofit Leaders: How do you create more value for your corporate sponsor than you expect to receive in return?

The Go-Givers philosophy rests on the idea that value is created through giving, which in turn creates a virtuous cycle.

This may seem challenging to apply when developing corporate sponsorships. Usually, we enter these arrangements with unequal power. Corporations are large, sophisticated entities with many more resources at their disposal.

You may desire to create a balance between your need for funding and the Corporation’s need for visibility, service, etc.

You may be worried about giving too much away or whether the amount of work that you might have to do is worth it.

While practical, these concerns represent a transactional view of the sponsorship. What if instead, you focused on paying forward? Provide value with the goal of providing value independent of compensation.

The Law of Value states that your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment.

The Law of Influene states that your influence is determined by how abundantly you put other people’s interests first.

In the end, this abundance mindset will produce way more funding and influence than seeking to satisfy these needs up front.

Look for posts this week on how to create value for your corporate sponsor.

Now You: How are you creating value for your partners today?

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