Creative Economy Revitalization Act 2021

The arts and artists were economically devastated by the pandemic, losing an estimated 15 billion dollars and nearly two-thirds of its workers since the start of the pandemic.

Fortunately, there is a new bipartisan effort to put artists back to work. The Creative Economy Revitalization Act (CERA) was modeled after the Work Progress Administration which helped create work after the depression by funding public art efforts.

CERA would put $300 million back into the economy through arts grants for art and cultural organizations to create public projects.

The legislation was introduced to the House by Teresa Leger Fernández of New Mexico and Jay Obernolte of California Senator and brought to the Senate by Ben Ray Luján, also of New Mexico in late August. CERA has the support of lawmakers on both sides of the aisle and it is endorsed by more than 175 arts organizations.

There are regional efforts as well. Chicago launched its own $60 million arts recovery program and this spring New York Mayor de Blasio funded a $25 million economic recovery initiative that would see the city commission 1,500 artists to create public artworks.

Long Live the Arts!