Agile Fundraising & Strategy Consulting

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A Life Well Lived

When I look at someone else’s life well lived, I get my biggest lessons. A friend’s father and a member of my temple community passed away last week.

In the lengthy article about his life and many accomplishments, there were celebrations of his kindness, generosity, and care.

Two things stood out to me.

First, that he asked each grandchild what they were most excited about studying and then went out and bought the textbook on the subject so that he could engage in discussions with them.

The second was that when he found out he was going to be a grandfather for the sixth time he went out and bought a mini-van or the “Bernie van” to take them to their activities and special adventures.

For me, he embodies the spirit of putting the other person at the center of the relationship rather than yourself. In this way of being you reap great rewards and blessings.

Now you: How do you show the person that they are in the center of your relationship?
#kindness #abundance #generosity #mindset #community