Agile Fundraising & Strategy Consulting

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Why iteration is an anecdote to perfectionism

Why iteration is an anecdote to perfectionism….

When we adopt an #iterativedesign process, we are guided to understand our beneficiaries and their challenges before we design our solution. It forces us to get out of our heads, or conference rooms into the world.
It focuses our efforts not on creating the perfect solution but on ideating with real data.

We have to get our first sketch or storyboard out to our constituents and get feedback. We have to be willing to refine, and even sometimes scrap what we created in order to get our first minimal viable product.

Perfect becomes relative. It depends on the stage we are in. More often than not, we need simply good enough to get authentic information about what is working and not working. Perfect can get in the way of getting something out that moves the development along.

Design by its nature is iterative. We may begin with the end in mind, but we do not know what needs to be created all the way along. Discovery is only possible when we iterate and let go of the idea of perfection.

Now you: How do you combat perfectionism to get your work out into the world?
#nonprofit #nonprofitleadership #fundraising #designthinking #iteration #minimumviableproduct #collaboration #creativity #design #startup