Agile Fundraising & Strategy Consulting

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Fundraising as a Practice -It’s not working yet.

It’s not working yet. That’s the only reassurance you truly need.” (Seth Godin)

This is true for anything creative, anything difficult, any change effort.
I find #SethGodin’s focus on the practice, comforting and true for nonprofit leadership and fundraising—both are difficult, important and a process with no guaranteed outcome.

Godin says “There’s a practice. The practice is proven, and you’ve embraced it. Now, all that’s needed is more. More time, more cycles, more bravery, more process. More of you. Much more of you. More idiosyncrasy, more genre, more seeing, more generosity more learning. It's just not working yet…”

Understanding our work in nonprofits as a practice that involves cycles of implementation and learning, can really fuel our forward motion. Embracing the “not yet” means that it continues to be a work in process, one that we commit to every day to get to the yes.
Now you: Do you embrace your “not yet”?
#fundraising #nonprofits #nonprofitleadership #leadership #success #change #sethgodin