Agile Fundraising & Strategy Consulting

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Increase the success of your fundraising program for the long-term

Nonprofit Leaders: How can you increase the success of your fundraising effort for the long term?

If you watch the ocean carefully you can track individual waves as they build, then travel with increased speed and size as they crest on the sand. Right behind every wave, is another, and another, all traveling toward the land, cresting and then receding.

Think of your work as the engine that drives waves of effort… one following another, moving along their path until they come to their inevitable conclusion.

Each wave represents a fundraising project which will have its own speed and magnitude. But right behind it is another fundraising wave that advances your work. Right behind that, an effort that needs a longer period to build with larger funds, partners, and potential impact.

There are many forces that impact the waves, headwinds, storms. It is not any single effort, but many waves of effort put into play through energy, determination, and vision.

Now you: Do you work best sequentially or with waves of effort?

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